How attorneys can help their clients with treatment

How Attorneys Can Help Their Clients With Treatment

Attorneys Helping Clients with Treatment If you are an attorney and your client seriously needs help with their issues with addiction,...

Dangers of Benzodiazepine for Chronic Pain

Dangers of Benzodiazepine for Chronic Pain

What are Benzodiazepines Prescribed For? The drug class known as benzodiazepines are made up of prescription tranquilizers, also called sedatives or...

The Benzodiazepine Epidemic

The Benzodiazepine Epidemic

What is the Benzodiazepine Epidemic? Benzodiazepine are prescription pills used to treat a many different disorders, such as anxiety disorders, panic...

The Law and Rehab

The Law and Rehab

Can Going To Rehab Help My Court Case? One of the many hallmarks of substance abuse addiction is trouble with the...

My Anxiety Keeps Me From Reaching Out, Can You Help?

My Anxiety Keeps Me From Reaching Out, Can You Help?

Anxiety and Addiction Many people with anxiety are also living with addiction. In fact, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association...

Child in distress with hands over her ears, parents fighting

How Addiction Impacts Families

Addiction is a family disease. When a loved one has addiction, it is important that the whole family comes together and...

medically assisted detox

What is Medically Assisted Detox?

What is Detox Like? When a person is ready to get sober from drugs or alcohol, one of the first things...

medicated assisted detox

Why Should I Choose Medicated Assisted Detox?

What Can I Expect? Becoming sober from drugs and alcohol is not a cut-and-dry process for the many people around the...


Why Trust Matters in Recovery with Treatment Providers

Why Does Trust Matter? When in a drug or alcohol treatment center, many clients feel as if all they need to...


Why is having strong support around me during treatment so important?

The Importance of Strong Support When someone enters treatment for their addiction, it can be a very lonely time. This is...