Patient Portal
Get to Know the Patient Portal
Our patient portal is powered by KIPU Health’s customer relationship management (CRM) platform, a secure, encrypted communication tool that meets the requirements of HIPAA and any additional security guidelines required by our mental health disorder facility licensure. The KIPU portal allows you to:
- Access your treatment plans
- Complete outcome measures
- View your medications
- Sign documents
- And more, all at your fingertips!
First time registering for KIPU? It’s easy to start.
Here’s a guide on how to set up your KIPU patient portal account and sign documents assigned to you. Once you have activated your account, you can sign the documents from the convenience of your computer or mobile device. Please reach out to your admitting facility if you have any questions or need assistance with this process.
How to set up your patient portal account:
- Check your email mailbox. You should see an email from the portal with the subject line, “Register for the Pinelands Recovery portal!”
- Click on the “Register” link inside of the email. TIP: In some cases, you need to open the link in Incognito mode.
- Create a password to finish setting up your account. Enter your new password twice and click the check box to agree to the Terms of Service & Privacy Policy, then select the button that says “Create.”
- Once your password is created, the screen will update to allow you to enter your email address and password to sign into the KIPU portal.
How to sign forms, see medications, view appointments and review your documents:
- Go to the KIPU patient portal. TIP: This portal is accessible through any web browser but tends to function best if you use Google Chrome.
- Enter your credentials and sign in.
- You will see your basic information and any appointments scheduled within KIPU on the top.
- Scroll down to view any medications prescribed by the medical team at Pinelands Recovery.
- In the My Documents section, you will see any forms pending your completion and/or signature, as well as any forms you have previously completed within the KIPU portal.
- Click on the name of any pending form to complete and add your signature.
- The form will open for you to fill in, then click on “Sign & Submit” to enter your signature.
- The form will now display in the KIPU portal under My Documents > Complete.
- The KIPU portal also allows you to upload documents under My Files. The system will accept various file types (JPEG, GIF, PNG, PDF, DOC/DOCX, XLS/XLSX) up to 10MB. If any documents are requested, the facility team will let you know.