Driving Under the Influence: Defining Blood Alcohol Concentration
Red flashing lights, blowing into breathalyzers, and drunk driving usually all have one thing in common, blood alcohol concentration. If you...

NJ Gives $8 Million For Opioid Addiction In Prison
The state of New Jersey will provide 7.8 million dollars to county jails to support the opioid addiction crisis that has...

Opioid Use During the Holidays
For those who are struggling with an active opioid use disorder, the holidays can be an extremely stressful time. Opioids are...

Recovery During the Holidays
There is no holiday party so vital that you should risk your sobriety. Contrary to popular belief, the holidays do not...

Vivitrol in Substance Abuse Treatment
Vivitrol is the pharmaceutical brand name for the injectable and oral form of naltrexone. Vivitrol is used to help treat opioid...

International Awareness Overdose Day: August 31, 2019
Of the 61,311 preventable drug overdoses in the United States in 2017, more than 43,000 involved opioids. International Overdose Awareness Day is a global...