Updated on 3/7/2023

Anyone can become addicted to alcohol, however, those with alcoholism in their family may be more susceptible. Understanding if you are predisposed to alcohol use disorder can help you make more informed decisions and take necessary precautions. This blog looks at what practices or habits in a family might make someone predisposed to alcoholism.

One of the biggest influences of alcoholism can be your family. As a child, you can learn habits and practices from your parents and guardians. It may not be intentional, and as a child grows up, they make their own decisions. However, family habits can eventually grow up into personal habits. This is the case if a child is not educated in how alcohol can affect their bodies and their minds for the long term. Parents who do drink can have lasting effects on their children. 

These children can be more predisposed to drink at an early age, and they may find themselves having addictions to alcohol. Children are still developing, and alcohol use may affect how they grow up. This is why schools try to educate kids about alcoholism, but it is essential to reemphasize this at home. Children look up to their parents, and they are more likely to mimic what they see their parents do. 

The Impact of Genetics on Alcohol Use Disorder

There is no single gene that causes alcohol use disorder or alcoholism. Multiple factors play a part in how you are affected by alcohol. Some genes affect how alcohol consumption changes your body. However, no matter what, long-term use can create a lot of havoc.

The genetics related to alcoholism can influence certain drugs that you take as well. People with genetics that lean slightly more towards alcohol use disorder find that naltrexone is more effective. The genetics that we have to affect us in multiple ways; however, genetics alone do not cause alcoholism. There are social and environmental factors that also can affect a person’s alcohol use. 

Signs of Alcohol Addiction

If you think someone you know could be predisposed towards alcohol use disorder, there are a few things that you can look out for that are described by an article in the US Library of Medicine.

  • Binge Drinking – If you notice that you are consuming multiple drinks past the recommended serving size, then you are experiencing binge drinking. If you binge drink frequently, this may mean you are developing alcohol addiction. 
  • Impaired Social or Work Activities – This means you have noticed that your work of social life has been affected due to a dependence on alcohol, this could lead to a more significant problem. Once a reliance on alcohol starts to change you. Seeking professional help is recommended. 
  • Recurrent hazardous use – Knowingly putting your self at risk by continuing to drink. This may mean that you have noticed you have a problem, or a medical professional told you to stop drinking. Disregarding these instructions could be an indicator that you have an alcohol abuse problem. Putting yourself in harm’s way tor drink puts you at risk of many physical and mental issues. 

How to Get Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder

If you think you or someone you know suffers from alcohol abuse disorder, then there are a few things that you can do to help fight addiction. 

  • Connect with Friends and Family- Building a support network for yourself or your loved one will help keep you accountable. Having people on your side and supporting you through your treatment can help encourage you to stick with it. They can also be someone to lean on when times are tough during treatment. 
  • Seek Professional Help – If you find yourself in over your head, seeking a recovery center for professional treatment is the best option. Finding a recovery center that creates specific treatment plans can help you fight alcohol addiction without uprooting your life. The professionals at these treatment locations specialize in alcoholism and are the best well of knowledge that you can pull from. 

Why Treat Alcoholism?

Dealing with alcoholism and alcohol use disorder can lead to physical and mental side effects that can affect your way of life. Family and friends want to make sure that you are living your best and healthiest life. Seeking help does not have to be done by yourself. Finding help together with friends and family creates a better support network for you.

In New Jersey, Pinelands Recovery Center in Medford provided excellent care and tailored treatment plans that work with every schedule. Reach out to us today. It’s never too late to overcome addiction.