How You Can Spot Red Flags on Social Media

When it comes to finding out your loved one might have a heroin addiction problem, there are many signs and signals that present themselves. One of the biggest signs is red flags on social media. These red flags are especially important to look out for because people suffering from addiction problem tend to isolate themselves. Taking a look at their social media allows you to gain access to their personal life, even if they have distanced themselves from you and other loved ones.

More signs and signals of an addiction problem can include:

  • Change in priorities or neglecting responsibilities
  • Spending money at a faster rate
  • Becoming an introvert and isolating themselves from important events
  • Acting more secretive and protective about their space
  • Mood changes
  • Rapid changes in physical appearance

The Biggest Red Flags on Social Media

Outright References

One of the most obvious red flags on social media that your loved one might have an addiction problem is outright references to drug use. If your loved one is posting photos of drug use, talking to people about using or referencing songs about drug use, there is a good chance that a heroin addiction problem is taking place.

It is very common for people to portray a different, or “better” lifestyle on social media than they actually have in order to impress others. If your loved one is making references to the lifestyle of drug use or has become blatantly open about it, take notice. Even if drug use isn’t happening, they are showing signs that they are interested – which can cause problems later down the line.

Change in Social Circle

A marked change in a person’s social circle, whether online or offline, is one of the major red flags of addiction. People tend to push away loved ones who might judge them for their drug use in favor for people who share in their addiction. If you are noticing an increase in new people commenting or liking your loved one’s social media posts, or seeing photos posted of people you’ve never met before, it could be a red flag for an addiction problem.

Alarming or Scattered Language

People who suffer from a heroin addiction problem tend to speak and act in ways they normally wouldn’t. If you see your loved one forming opinions on social media that seem unlike them, or find that their sentences aren’t making much sense at all, it can be a red flag that they were high while writing it. This can be especially true if the post is abusive in nature, as well, since people suffering from an addiction problem tend to become very defensive.

Long Rants

If you find your loved one posting long rants on social media, it could be a sign of trouble. It’s especially a red flag if the rant is political in nature, abusive, or if it seems to stem from irrational paranoia. Take a look at the people who may engage with the post to see if it is someone new or could possibly be enabling this behavior.

Activity at Unusual Hours

One of the many side effects of suffering from an addiction problem is insomnia. Take note to see if your loved one is active on social media at very late hours or especially early in the morning before they would normally wake up. You can look at your loved one’s activity on some platforms to see what hours they have been active, so if they are regularly active during these strange hours, it should be cause for concern.

What to Do If You Spot Red Flags on Social Media

If you are noticing some or all of these red flags on social media, it is important that you speak up. Addiction is a chronic condition that can lead to overdose or death if left untreated. The sooner you speak up, the sooner your loved one will be able to receive the care they so desperately need.

Some ways you can help include:

  • Talk to other loved ones. Share your concerns with other close loved ones to compare notes. There could be a chance that some of the people closest to your loved one might not have social media and possibly have no idea that any of this is happening.
  • Do your research. Help your loved one by researching treatment options for them. The more questions that can be answered when the topic is brought up, the better.
  • Open the conversation. If you’re ready to address your loved one about their heroin addiction problem, approach them with kindness and support. Do not make them feel like they are being judged, or the conversation can quickly become volatile.

About Pinelands Recovery Center

Watching a loved one go through an addiction problem can be devastating, especially when you have to watch it play out on social media. Since people suffering from addiction can become very manipulative and secretive, often one of the only red flags someone might spot is on social media. If you see red flags on social media, make sure you take action. It just might save your loved one’s life.

Pinelands Recovery Center of Medford is widely known as one of New Jersey’s finest, most respected addiction treatment facilities. With comfortable 30-bed accommodations and 24-hour professional staff, we can offer clients a serene, relaxing environment amid the lush piney woods. This stress-free setting with its sense of warmth and welcoming enables you to feel comfortable and confident about your clean and sober life ahead.

We will establish clear goals, both general in nature and specific to your needs. We continue to monitor those goals, to make sure that our clients are progressing and buying into their recovery plan. We thrive on assisting clients in feeling connected to the recovery community, share and demonstrate effective coping techniques, help clients to modify attitudes and patterns of behavior and everything else you will need to be happy and productive living a sober, healthy life.

We ensure that clients complete their planned concrete tasks, encourage hope, optimism and healthy living. Our recovery program is not a revolving door treatment program; it is a recovery model designed to help clients go on to lead productive, happy lives. For more information, visit