Medically Assisted Treatment, what is it, and who is it for?
Medically Assisted Treatment(MAT), what is it, and who is it for? Can anyone sign up for medically assisted treatment or MAT...
Covid-19: Isolation and Opioids
The situation of Covid-19 or coronavirus has turned most of the world into isolation. This epidemic spreads quickly, and the people...
Men and Substance Abuse: MAT Treatment
The war on opioids proves to be a constant battle, and some people are more vulnerable than others. For a span...
Opioid Education In Schools
The opioid crisis is ongoing in the United States. In 2016, more Americans died from opioid overdoses than car crashes. Anyone...
Drug Ring in Passiac County
Drugs are a war in the United States that we have been fighting for multiple years. People are selling drugs, consumers...
NJ Gives $8 Million For Opioid Addiction In Prison
The state of New Jersey will provide 7.8 million dollars to county jails to support the opioid addiction crisis that has...
Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms
Opiate addiction is a rapidly growing problem within the United States. With this becoming a more significant issue, many people are...
Opioid Use During the Holidays
For those who are struggling with an active opioid use disorder, the holidays can be an extremely stressful time. Opioids are...
Opioids in America
How does opioids addiction start? It starts off as a single pill. A young patient is in pain after having a...
DEA National Take Back Day is October 26
What is DEA National Take Back Day? According to the official DEA National Take Back Day website, The National Prescription Drug...