Admitting you need help is the most important step

As the saying goes, admitting you have a problem is the most important step of recovery. Knowing you have a problem and accepting you have a problem are two different things. You are here, which means you recognize that your substance abuse is affecting your life negatively. It can be a scary, emotional time to realize you may need help for your addiction. Making the call for help can be hard, but we are here to help you every step of the way.

Getting over the shame you might feel

One of the major reasons that people who need treatment do not seek it is because they feel embarrassed or ashamed, and that people in their life may think negatively about them. Seeking treatment is not a negative thing; if you were to continue on with your addiction, your relationships and reputation would be much more severely fractured than they possibly already are. The sad reality is: you are in a situation where your addiction could very easily and quickly lead you to death. Worrying about what people might be thinking about you isn’t worth losing your life over. It’s time to make the call for help.

In addition, your addiction issues haven’t seemed like a problem to you in your life until now. In reality, it has been apparent to others for some time. Missing important family events? Borrowing money from friends? People looking down on your for new friends or relationships that you have made? Does this sound familiar?

Once you are able to make the call for help and enter treatment to work on your addiction, you will be able to repair fractured or strained relationships that have resulted from your addiction. You will be on a positive path, and people in your life who truly love you will be there to support you and root you on in your journey.

Figuring out all the logistics

Another one of the major reasons people do not make the call for help is because they are worried about the logistics. This can include the cost, as well as taking time off from their family and jobs.

The cost and insurance coverage

Treatment for addiction can be an expensive undertaking for many people and families, especially if they do not have insurance coverage. Luckily, most treatment centers, including Pinelands, have people on staff who specifically work to ensure you are able to afford it. They will work closely with your insurance company to ensure coverage, as well as be transparent with you about the cost. This can even be done over the phone before you make the step to enter.

Navigating family life and time off work

People with an involved family life such as spouses and children often feel like they are not able to break away for an extended period of time to receive treatment. They do not want to burden their families or spouses with going away for treatment. This mentality can be the similar for people who may have a hard time taking time off of work. Many people are embarrassed to talk to their employer about their issue and requesting such an extended period of time off. Again, the sad reality is that your life is at stake. Entering treatment will make you a better spouse, parent and employee in the long run.

Letting go of your control and fear

People who are in active addiction tend to love being in control. They have become masters of manipulating situations and relationships, and have long been in denial about their addiction issues. They may have become defensive toward loved ones who try to talk to them about their addiction. They tend to pretend like they have their lives under control, or like they don’t have a substance abuse issue at all. Waving the white flag may seem like they are letting go of that control, which is hard for people in active addiction to do.

The fear of letting go of this control can be overwhelming, and is often put in front of getting help. Being able to let go of this and accept treatment will put you more in control of your life than ever before. The reality is you have never been in control of your life – your addiction and substance of choice has been.

Fear also lies in the detoxification process, and the unknown of how truly uncomfortable it might be. They feel like they might not be able to handle it, and would rather be content in their active addiction. They aren’t ready to face the unknown, and put off the call for help. The reality is our treatment centers offers medication assisted treatment to help with this process, and 24 hour nurses on staff to ensure your comfort. We have medication to put your withdrawal symptoms at bay, so that you can focus on creating a better life.

About Pinelands Recovery Center

Making the call for help is hard, and takes a lot of determination and courage. Just know that you are not alone. There are many people who have walked in your shoes, and we are here to support you in your journey. You will be connected with medical staff, the best quality therapy as well as support groups to help pull you out of your active addiction.

Pinelands Recovery Center of Medford is widely known as one of New Jersey’s finest, most respected addiction treatment facilities. With comfortable 30-bed accommodations and a 24-hour professional staff, we can offer clients a serene, relaxing environment amid the lush piney woods. This stress-free setting with its sense of warmth and welcoming enables you to feel comfortable and confident about your clean and sober life ahead.

We will establish clear goals, both general in nature and specific to your needs. We continue to
monitor those goals, to make sure that our clients are progressing and buying into their recovery
plan. We thrive on assisting clients in feeling connected to the recovery community, share and
demonstrate effective coping techniques, help clients to modify attitudes and patterns of
behavior and everything else you will need to be happy and productive living a sober, healthy

We ensure that clients complete their planned concrete tasks, encourage hope, optimism and
healthy living. Our recovery program is not a revolving door treatment program; it is a recovery
model designed to help clients go on to lead productive, happy lives. For more information, visit